This directory contains various Docker-friendly Vagrant base boxes, built by Phusion. There are boxes based on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit, and boxes based on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. They differ from the ones provided by in the following ways: * We provide 2 virtual CPUs by default, so that the boxes can make better use of multicore hosts. * We provide more RAM by default: 1 GB. * We provide a bigger virtual hard disk: around 40 GB. * We use LVM so that partitioning is easier. * On the Ubuntu 12.04 version, our default kernel version is 3.8 (instead of 3.2), so that you can use [Docker]( out-of-the-box. * The memory cgroup and swap accounting are turned on, in order to make some Docker features usable. See * Chef is installed via the Ubuntu packages that they provide, instead of via RubyGems. This way the box doesn't have to come with Ruby by default, making the environment cleaner. * Our VMWare Fusion boxes recompile VMWare Tools on every kernel upgrade, so that Shared Folders keep working even if you change the kernel. Please read the following website for more information, usage instructions, support resources, and information about how these boxes are built: